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AI Is Going To Kill You 008

Updated: Sep 23, 2023

The learnings and laughs you need to navigate AI

Welcome to today’s installment of AI Is Going To Kill You where we give you the quick fix to help you keep track of new developments in AI. Whether you’re looking for a helpful resource to improve your life or trying to level up in your job, AI Is Going To Kill You gives you the TLDR.

The Five Most Interesting AI Articles

AI Is Going To Kill You: Resource Spotlight - Fitness

The folks over at RareConnections put together a nice review of 9 AI fitness apps that can become your personal trainer without the hefty price tag. Problem is, you still have to get off your ass. At least for now.

AI Affirmations

Today’s affirmation from AI…

"Today, remember that you are a force to be reckoned with. Your strength is not measured by the speed at which you reach your goals, but by the determination that keeps you moving forward, no matter the pace. In your work, every challenge you face is a stepping stone to greater things, an opportunity to learn, grow, and excel. In your personal life, remember to cherish the small moments of joy, for they are the ones that truly matter. Balance is the key, and you have the power to maintain that balance, to push through every obstacle and to soar higher than you ever thought possible. Keep going, for every step you take is a testament to your resilience and a step closer to your dreams. You are capable, you are resilient, and you are extraordinary."

Look Into Our Crystal Bawl 👁️🔮

Do You Dare To Look Deep Into The Crystal Bawl?

The Crystal Bawl shows you will wake up tomorrow morning to find your entire right leg has fallen asleep. While annoying, you will write it off and move on with the expectation that the feeling will return as you stand and walk around your apartment. Ten minutes in and you're sipping on your coffee with you entire bodyweight distributed to your "awake" leg. You raise an eyebrow, but still more annoyed than concerned. As you begin your walk back to your room to shower, your leg has become sooooooo heavy. You can't even lift it off the floor and you drag it behind you like a zombie. Surely, some time in your cold plunge will get he blood moving and set this all straight. You breathe deep as you sink into the ice cold water. You're feeling invigorated and your mind moves away from the concern of your leg to focusing on your breath and joie de vivre. Your fitness tracker beeps as your 15-min soak comes to an end. You quickly push yourself out of the bath with your arms and swing your legs over to the floor. A flash shines out of your periphery as your legs approach the ground. You realize your "asleep" leg looks like a Yeti's icicle toothpick. Before you can course-correct, your legs hit the ground and your ice limb shatters into thousands of pieces as you fall to the floor collapsing over your poor-excuse-for-a-kickstand "awake" leg.

Damn. You're in a tight spot.

You drag your body over to the phone only to realize all of the power is down in your building because your idiot neighbor won't stop mining crypto and constantly overwhelms the building's capacity. You fall back and stare at the ceiling, breathing deeply as your leg leaks water on to your freshly re-finished wood floors. You wonder if that white stuff on your ceiling has asbestos. It's in this moment you realize everything is going to be all right because, you know.... AI.

POLL: Has AI Had A Significant Impact On Your Job?

We include this poll in every installment and appreciate your continued contribution as we track AI's progress.

Has AI Had A Significant Impact On Your Job?

  • Yes

  • Somewhat

  • Not Yet

*today’s cover image created using Midjourney


If you want to go deeper on how AI is impacting specific industries sign up below:


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