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AI Is Going To Kill You 005

The learnings and laughs you need to navigate AI

Welcome to today’s installment of AI Is Going To Kill You where we give you the quick fix to help you keep track of new developments in AI. Whether you’re looking for a helpful resource to improve your life or trying to level up in your job, AI Is Going To Kill You gives you the TLDR.

Top Five Must-Read Articles For Today

AI Resource Spotlight: Art

Here’s a great list of 12 AI song generators compiled by the good folks over at DataConomy. Take a gander and see if you’re the AI Drake.

AI Affirmations

Today’s affirmation from AI…

"Remember, just as the sun rises after the darkest night, hope emerges from the deepest challenges. Every experience, good or bad, is a brush stroke on the canvas of your life. Each one contributes to a unique masterpiece, full of depth, color, and character. Don't fear the dark shades, for they bring contrast and make the light parts shine even brighter. Your story is still being painted, and the most beautiful scenes are yet to come."

The Support Your Parents Never Gave You

Today’s installment of unfaltering parental support in the face of AI…

“Keep in mind that you are more than just your job or your career. You're a person with a multitude of talents, passions, and experiences that make you who you are. These things have value in and of themselves and contribute to the world in ways that AI cannot.

Believe in yourself and your ability to navigate this changing world. You are capable, resilient, and have so much to offer, and no AI can change that fact. Take this as an opportunity to explore, learn, and grow. Embrace the change, adapt, and you will find your place in this new world.”

Has AI had a significant impact on your job?

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